Courses & Training

We offer self-directed and online learning opportunities in Foundational Skills of BAP, Advanced skills of BAP-MI, and Zoom-Enhanced Practice of Skills.

Online Courses

BAP Professional Network now offers online courses in Foundational Skills (BAP) and Advanced Skills (BAP-MI).

We recommend learners take both courses towards attaining clinical proficiency in self-management support and health behavior change skills across the full spectrum of readiness to change.

I. Foundational Skills (CME/CE credits available if desired)

II. Advanced Skills (CME/CE credits available if desired)

Additional Coaching & Feedback

Clinical proficiency requires practice, feedback on skills, and opportunities for observed re-practice. There are many avenues to receive coaching and feedback related to Motivational Interviewing and Brief Action Planning. The three organizations listed below have developed specific interests, skills, experience and coaching opportunities for integrating Motivational Interviewing skills with Brief Action Planning.Clinical proficiency requires practice, feedback on skills, and opportunities for observed re-practice. There are many avenues to receive coaching and feedback related to Motivational Interviewing and Brief Action Planning. The three organizations listed below have developed specific interests, skills, experience and coaching opportunities for integrating Motivational Interviewing skills with Brief Action Planning.